Once you are in the "Applications" view, there are three ways to navigate to a specific application or group of applications that meet certain criteria:
1. Search by ID or name
2. Sort by a column in the application view
3. Filter using application criteria
1. Search by ID or name
The search bar at the top of the application view lets you search by any of the following:
- Application ID
- Student name
- Student ID
- Parent name
- Parent ID
Once you enter the ID or name into the search bar, click the magnifying glass or hit enter and the application list will be filtered to any applications that meet this ID or name.
To clear the search results and get back to the full list of applications, click the small "x" at the end of the search bar (next to the magnifying glass).
TIP: You can search by full name, first name, last name, or even part of the name of the student or parent (e.g., first three letters).
2. Sort by a column in the application view
A quick way to look for applications of interest is to sort by any of the columns in the Applications view that have a double arrow next to their name: Student, School, Apl Grade (grade applying to).
If you click the column name once, it will sort the application list in ascending order (e.g., A to Z). If you click the column name again, it will sort the application list in descending order (e.g., Z to A). If you click the column name a third time, the sort will be removed.
The name of the column will also be highlighted when sorted as an indication, and the arrow will show you the direction of the sort.
3. Filter using application criteria
The most advanced way to find applications that meet certain criteria is to use our robust filtering mechanism. Once you click the filter button, you will see the option to filter applications on either of the following:
- School name (if your role gives you permission to view applications to multiple schools)
- Status of the application
You can then click "Advanced Tools" to see the option to filter applications on any of the following:
- Grade applying to
- Any question from the application (that is not free text), such as current grade, current school, and so forth.
You can click more than one criteria to filter on multiple items (e.g., submitted status AND applying to grade 6).
Within a filter, you can select more than one option (e.g, applying to grade K OR applying to grade 1).
The example below shows applications filtered to submitted status AND students applying to grade K or 1:
To clear the filtered results and get back to the full list of applications, click the "Clear all" button at the bottom of the Filter pop-up.
TIP: Filters stay applied even as you are taking other actions within the application list view, which can then affect your results (for example, if you then sort the application by grade or search by application name after applying a filter).
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